Wednesday 20 December 2017

You better be good.... Santa Claus is coming to town!

Picture: Visit Finland Juho Kuva

Do you know that Santa Claus comes from Finland? Of course you do! 

In fact now is his busiest time as in just a couple of days Santa will start his global journey from "Korvatunturi" Fell in Finnish Lapland to visit the homes globally. He of course travels with Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer!

In Finland Santa actually does pay a visit to your home. The Finns celebrate Christmas already on the eve of the 24th December. It is customary that Santa Claus visits homes to deliver presents and good will for all, big and small. 

Finnish Christmas is most commonly spent at home although lately also other places have become more popular. You can rent a cottage for example, or stay in a farmhouse with an "all-inclusive" package for the whole family including loads of food and drink, outdoor activities, and even a visit to a local village church for an early morning ceremony. In the cities some people prefer to stay in a hotel, which also offer you a full package with food and activities. 

Typical Christmas food in Finland includes pork roast as the main dish in most homes and a variety of fish, casseroles and salads that are served as a side-dish. This buffet style dinner would not be perfect without a selection of desserts like plum pudding with whipped cream, loads of chocolate, and home baked delicacies. All this food is washed down with home-made beer, wines, and an occasional vodka snaps as well! In many families a Christmas Sauna is part of the tradition, either early in the morning or very late in the evening. 

HYVÄÄ JOULUA (Merry Christmas in Finnish)

Thursday 31 August 2017

9 Days relaxation in archipelago - a new route from

Discover the natural and cultural attractions of this amazing archipelago. On peaceful islands with old wooden houses and fine sea  views, time stands still, giving you a chance to truly relax. 
The pages of provides you with up-to-date information on the national parks and Metsähallitus' other hiking destinations and their facilities, and routes. Find recreation in these magnificent spots!

Link to the route material 

Monday 26 June 2017

Fancy a visit to the most beautiful archipelago in the world?

Map drawn by students at Turku University of Applied Sciences
Are you seeking for new adventures by the sea? Why not try the new "Archipelago National Park Trail" made possible for the first time ever summer 2017?

Many Finnish and even foreign tourist have already experienced the "older" version called Archipelago Route that starts from Turku and connects the main islands of Pargas, Nagu, Korpo, Houtskär, Iniö, and Kustavi.

However, this time around you can travel to the outer islands and really experience the open sea when taking this new trail from the island of Korpo (Korpoström) towards Örö, an old army fortress at the outskirts of the Archipelago Sea. From there you can continue towards Kasnäs and the island of Kemiö and  the continue to the city of Salo and back to Turku.

We have made it easier for you with the help of talented students from Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS). A group of future service designers worked with the project team, and the result is a PDF map with detailed information and tips for the route. At the moment the map can be accessed via the links at TUAS website but we hope that in the future the tourism "Visitdotcoms" of the area will be hosting the files and provide easy access to the route details.

Detailed area information:

  1. Archipelago Trail  - an overview
  2. Distances, links and symbols
  3. Pargas
  4. Nagu 1
  5. Nagu 2
  6. Korpo
  7. Örö - Kasnäs - Dalsbruk
  8. Mathildedal - Teijo

We wish you a pleasant journey with plenty of sun shine and fresh sea air! 

Copyright: Aavameri

Monday 19 June 2017

A new trail at Turku Archipelago available

Pic: Isokari by Susanna Saari
The three main destinations of this trip – Mathildedal, Pensar and Isokari – are absolute gems of the Finnish southwest coast. If you appreciate magnificent natural scenery, the tranquility of nature, an authentic cultural heritage and personal service, this trip is for you.

The route runs south to north, but the destinations are independent of one another, so you may choose to visit only one or two of them or change the order of your visit. You can tour the route in your own or a rental car, or opt for a combination of bus, taxi and bicycle. All the destinations are also accessible by boat, as they feature guest harbour services. If possible, take the time to visit Turku, the biggest city on the coast, or the idyllic small towns of Parainen (Pargas in Swedish) and Uusikaupunki. We recommend spending at least two nights at each destination. Let yourself be captivated by the scenery and cultural heritage of the archipelago.

The following slides introduce you to this newly created route. Please click the pictures to make them bigger!

Pic: Enjoying Pensar Syd with all senses

Pic:Alpacas at Mathildedal Iron works

Sunday 5 March 2017


Measured by the number of islands, Turku Archipelago, with its 40,000 or so islands and islets, is among the world’s largest. The southwest corner of Finland is a veritable treasure chest for the visitor. Let yourself be captivated by the eye-pleasing archipelago scenery, the peacefulness of the countryside, the relaxing impact of the nature activities or the cultural heritage of the region.

Would you like to enjoy the fresh sea breeze and nature activities near Turku as close to the sea you can? Or take your family, group of friends or company e.g.  on a sail race in the archipelago sea from Villa Wolax? Or would you like to let the experienced fishing guide of Fishing Patrol show you the best places to fish a pike? Or explore the islands with rich flora & fauna with the kayaks guided by Aavameri guides?  

Or would you just like to relax?  Perhaps take a cruise at leisure to admire the scenery with rocky islands, and after that to enjoy the authentic Finnish sauna, delicious local dishes and accommodation in archipelago surroundings offered by Paradise Island, Mama’s Pocket or Archipelago Hotel Vaihela? Maybe you are looking for a luxury venue for a private party or meeting? In  that case Villa Airisto Charm with a fantastic sea view is your choice!

Companies mentioned in this post and their location 
If you are willing to get a deeper insight into the giant archipelago, take for example a one week holiday and visit three heritage gems at one go. Begin with the old, picturesque iron works village of Mathildedal at the edge of the Teijo National Park which has a varied sea, lake and bog landscape. Ruukintehtaat Resort offers you with food, accommodation and many activities. Travel with the ferryboat to the Island of Pensar Syd and enjoy the tranquility of the nature by lodging in an own villa by the sea. Crown your holiday with the fascinating Isokari Island in the Bothnian Sea National Park, where the old lighthouse rises 50 meters above the sea level offering a breathtaking view in all directions. 

If you have the possibility for a longer holiday, take an excursion from Mathildedal to Taalintehdas, yet another old iron works village by the sea, the location of a nice country shop of Rosala Handelsbod, While in Pensar Syd you can combine visiting the charming Nauvo village with a bustling guest harbor and stay a couple of nights in a traditional Finnish summer cottage at Hinders some kilometers away. On the way out to Isokari Lighthouse Island stop by in Kustavi, a nice archipelago municipality. Lootholma Resort offers accommodation and activities for the whole family, and the traditional farm house milieu of Itätalo Estate about 10 kilometers from the Kustavi center is the place to de-stress your mind.

For more information click the home pages of the above mentioned companies (see the company listing on the right) or find more inspiration for your holiday planning in the web sites of Visit Turku or Turku Archipelago

Text: Telle Tuominen /TÙAS

Friday 17 February 2017

Suomalainen elämäntapa houkuttelee kansainvälisiä matkailijoita

Kuva:  Herrankukkaro
Matkailun edistämiskeskus, nykyinen Visit Finland, teetti vuosikymmenen alussa markkinatutkimuksia tavoitteenaan selvittää saksalaisten, brittien, ranskalaisten, espanjalaisten, italialaisten ja hollantilaisten halukkuutta lomailla Suomessa. Tutkimuksista erottui Suomesta kiinnostunut moderneiksi humanisteiksi nimetty kohderyhmä. 

Tätä matkailijatyyppiä luonnehtivat keskimääräistä korkeampi koulutus- ja tulotaso, vastuullisuus sekä kiinnostus uusia kulttuureita ja ihmisiä kohtaan. Kyseessä ovat kokeneet matkailijat, jotka massaturismin sijaan haluavat kokea aitoa paikallisuutta. Millaisia matkailukokemuksia modernit humanistit arvostavat? He etsivät rentoutumista ja aktiviteetteja vastapainoksi arjen aherrukselle kotimaassa ja haluavat lomansa aikana kokea monipuolisesti sekä luontoa että kulttuuria. 

Luonnonmaisemat, paikallisen keittiön herkut, kulttuurimaisemat niin maalla kuin kaupungissa, nähtävyydet, mutta ennen kaikkea myös normaali suomalainen elämäntapa kiinnostavat. Suomen vahvuuksia ovat modernin elämäntavan ja luonnonläheisyyden vastakohtaisuus, idän ja lännen kohtaaminen sekä taiteen ja luovuuden helmet erityisesti arkkitehtuurissa, musiikissa ja designissa.

Tyypilliset suomalaisen elämäntavan ilmentymät ovat meille niin itsestäänselvyyksiä, että vain harvat matkailuyritykset ovat niitä tarjonneet. Culture Finland -katto-ohjelman myötä onkin yrityksiä rohkaistu tuotteistamaan omaan toimintaympäristöön ja eri vuodenaikoihin sopivaa tarjontaa, esimerkkeinä vaikkapa eväsretki luontoon, makkaranpaisto nuotiolla, marja- ja sieniretki, pullan leipominen, perinteinen joulunvietto, rapujuhlat, pilkkiminen, lätkämatsi- tai lavatanssivierailu, saunominen sekä avantouinti. Niche-tuotteina kiinnostavat myös koulutus, sukupuolten tasa-arvo, pohjoisesta sijainnista nouseva erityisosaaminen tai suomalaiset innovaatiot.
Kuva:  Herrankukkaro

Suomalaisella elämäntavalla maailmalle -hankkeessa kehitetään tuoteaihioita Turun saariston sekä Keski-Suomen järvialueella. Näiden kahden alueen luonnonympäristössä on eroja, samoin kieli- ja kulttuuritaustassa, mikä heijastuu mm. eroina ruokakulttuurissa, vesillä liikkumisessa sekä perinteisissä elinkeinoissa ja kädentaidoissa.  Hankkeessa korostetaankin näiden kahden alueen erityispiirteitä ja siten herätetään matkailijoiden kiinnostusta laajempaan kiertomatkaan sekä pidempään viipymään Suomessa.

Teksti: Lehtori Telle Tuominen (Turku AMK)

Lue lisää:

Monday 30 January 2017

Are you a modern humanist?

Copyright: Isokari
At the beginning of the decade, Visit Finland had a comprehensive marketing survey made in order to find out the willingness of German, British, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch tourists to visit Finland for holiday purposes. A segment called “Modern humanists” stood out from the report. The characteristics of this group are higher than average educational and income levels, an interest towards sustainability, new cultures and local people. The modern humanists are experienced travellers who prefer locality over mass tourism.

What are the types of tourism experiences these Europeans appreciate? The study shows they are seeking to relax and to participate in activities as to counterbalance the daily lives at home, and are looking at experiencing a variety of culture and nature. They are interested in natural sceneries, local dishes, rural and urban cultural landscapes, and visiting sights, but above all experiencing the normal Finnish lifestyle. The strength Finland has is the balance between our modern lifestyle and closeness to nature, being at the meeting point of east and west, and the tribute in art and creativity, especially in architecture, music and design.

We Finns take all the above mentioned granted, so much so, that yet very few tourism
Copyright: Paratiisisaari
companies are actively offering services based on Finnish lifestyle. Hence “Culture Finland” program by Visit Finland which encourages tourism companies in productizing their service offering based on locality and seasons e.g. a picnic in nature, barbequing sausages on open fire, picking wild berries or forest mushrooms, baking Finnish buns, celebrating Finnish Christmas, grayfish parties, ice-fishing, watching local ice-hockey, going to sauna and ice swimming. Amongst the niche products also Finnish education, gender equality, and Finnish innovations are of interest. 
Copyright: Hinders
The aim of “Productizing Finnish Lifestyle” – project is to develop service concept ideas both in Turku Archipelago and in Lakeland Area, Central-Finland. There are several differences between these two in nature and linguistic as well as cultural backgrounds. This is visible in e.g. food culture, ways of moving on water (sea/lakes) and in the traditional ways of livelihood and craftsmanship. We are aiming at highlighting these differences in order to encourage the potential guests to plan a longer route thus experiencing Finland properly.

Text: Telle Tuominen